Saturday, February 21, 2009

my feelings toward LHS "photographers".

I do not have a thousand dollars. I have never had a thousand dollars, because I do not have a job. If I did have a thousand dollars, I would probably not be allowed to buy a fancy new camera right on the spot. This does not make you better than me. My lack of funds and equipment forces me to use my 20 year old film camera, which I love. I take better pictures on film than you ever have on any fancy DSLR camera. Film is tricky; more tricky than I imagined at first; and you don't get to use photoshop, that would kill you, wouldn't it? I have not taken worthy photos in awhile, this is because I have become discouraged, but that's going to change. I will show up your fancy new DSLR camera with my 20 year old film camera, and my 300 dollar digital camera. You will see.

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