Ugh you say things like "you look cute" and I lol and you reply "you think I'm kidding?" and it makes it harder for me to not like you. When you kid around and say things like "I don't want a relationship right now, but I want one with you", or you say things along the lines of "we were made for eachother", or you grab my hand and say some cheesy pickup line, I can't stop my imagination running away with it and twisting it into something that isn't there. It's not like you're leading me on or anything, I know that it's basically never going to happen, and I know when you're kidding, but I let my heart get the best of me sometimes, I'm sorry.
You know, I usually hate when people fish for compliments, but when you do it, it's kind of cute/sad.
You give me attention and I love it. But I hate it at the same time because I feel like I'm an AW around you.
I really hope you never find yourself reading this, because you'll probably know it's you and I'll get embarrassed because of my girly feelings that I can help, and I really really really don't want you to change the way you act around me, that would be terrible!!!
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