job job job job job job job job job job job job job job job job job job job job job job job.
because seriously, where am I supposed to come up with 600 or so dollars before summer? Nowhere. Because I don't have a job. No one seems to ever be hiring, and I don't have any sort of "inside connections". I'm pretty stressed over it, actually. I'd even be willing to handle meats, do you know how serious that is for me?
So far I have applied at: TJ maxx, Payless, CiCis, Kohls, and Cracker Barrel.
That is not a very impressive list, and none of them look promising, but I just can't find anythinggggggggggg. Feel free to guide me with your splendid ideas and all, god knows i need it.
Oh, and news from the sugar front; Day one has gone without a hitch so far. I had my daily simple carb (pringlesssssss) on the way home from school, and my hand got stuck in the tube, and I almost ran into a car LOL. I will steer clear of that from now on... get it.... steer? oh lordy. Now I'm going to go have some riceeeeeeeeee yummmmm. No, seriously, yum (:
And I decided to start working out at the wellness center again, ahahah. I'm going to try to stick with it. Besides, I love doing those little stationary bikes, they give me time to play my NINTENDO DS! ahahah, cooking mama!!!!!!!!!
So seriously, if you know anywhere that's hiring, hit me up.
I digress.
i like your cat :D